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is it possible to do everything with emily without having to seemingly going full tilt one way or the other?

i successfully downloaded the apk file on my Android but I can't install it. the file will say installing for a few seconds then nothing.

Try selecting the file and clicking the three dots in the top right hand corner. Then click open with package installer.  Idk if this will help I haven't installed this particular game yet, but it helped me with other apks.

thanks so much! i will try, but i think i did that already :(

(1 edit) (+3)(-2)

Surely episode 10 is coming soon.



I've been supporting him on patreon the last couple of months and he is definitely working on it, so yeah it probably is actually coming out soon... can't tell you when exactly however.


Well, you heard news in December 2022, we last heard news in April 2022. Are you sure it's not going to be just a Patreon release? That seems the way it's going...

(1 edit) (-1)

I don't know that... maybe you're right. But I can't say for sure.

Thanks for being honest and not just a fan-troll!

(1 edit) (+12)(-3)

NTR? no thanks

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 16 days ago

the dude in it was created for future NTR. The creator said so.


I'm curious - What direction would you be  upset with the story going in?  Why does even the possibility of NTR prevent you from trying the game?


because NTR and Sharing are not my kinks. I don't want to see multiple dicks. I don't want to see someone else fucking with my life. I play games to escape reality not live it.


not sure if you've finished the game, but I believe the NTR is because Luis likes Ash, and we are clearly going to be able to get Ash in future updates. Nothing major I don't think, and Luis is a bro so he would still support us anyhow


will there be any new episodes or a new season this is hands down one of my favorite Adult visual novel type games if there is then i am looking forward to it

Look at the comments below yours....


Really great story, Ashley was my girl from day 1, hope we get a lot more of her story and relationship.


I love the story and characters. I would love to see more Ashley story and relationship. Perhaps a path to earn her respect and interest?

(1 edit) (+6)(-10)

3 useless bonuses, yet no news since April 2022. So this game is dead. Could have had an update if he didn't waste time on those damn bonuses!


toxicity like this would make anybody want to extend an update.


No, the gap was there before I made a comment.


That's one idiot guy and definitely boot licker of this mf dev, who's milking innocent guys.


He wasn't saying that your toxicity caused the gap, he was saying that, that toxicity like that sure isn't going to speed things along and if anything, would make the dev want to not put any more effort into rushing it out sooner.


Yeah why don't you work anymore bud?

😢 Someone name John asked me to work faster on internet,i can't take it anymore I'm going to abandon my work now(but will do it slowly to still keep milking these idiot patreon of mine)

But why don't you ignore him and work harder and make something good?

STupid to do that when you can relax and enjoy free money out of these idiots who play my garbage shit 😆😆😆


It's not dead, he just does not work quickly from what I've seen. His last post was at the end of Dec 2022 on his patreon. He comes forward and will even refund/no charge subscribers for taking so long. 


Hey guys this one living in his own fantasy,who still believe that this dev isn't a bastard milker like many other,and will release something good like ever😂😂😂


maybe instead of being rude and abrasive  you could do something productive with your time ? Hmmm 

Well, an update on Patreon in Dec 2022, and the last news for us Itch customers being in April, 9 months before, tells me those that say he's milking his Patreon customers as long as he can are right! And Manster1775 didn't give any date for an update, just the dev saying, in so many words, he's taking even longer to milk his Patron customers even more.


customers ? On Itch that’s a bit of a stretch the game is given to us for FREE. We don’t have the same right to complain as opposed to people actually paying for the product. Always remember patience is a virtue .

(1 edit) (-1)

And need help again I left the game in the background and after a few hours I came back to the game but I can't touch anything I can only back using my back button the phone I try every even re installed the game but I can't click anything or do anything I have this problem on phone. Even I remove the saves and I went to log the last thing it says "Entered Background"  just don't know what to do now 

And also I found this error in trace back 

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/scripts/script.rpy", line 788, in <module>

Exception: Could not set video mode.

(1 edit) (+3)(-2)
Pink Cake launch from the last update of this man, the interlude and episode 9 of Being a Dik, there's no way what he does is more work than something a person like Pink Cake does.
(1 edit)

anyone knew the name of song in the main screen???  Or it's original for this game??

Is this one



I love this game bro keep up the good work. Loving the characters and behaviors of each an every prson that shows up in it, from the half way house residents to the doctors,hooker and Lexingtons. Also let's not forget about the bartender girl she is smoking hot, hopefully in the future we can possibly do something with her along with the Cafe lady.


Not gonna lie. This is beta male, simp type bs. There's no way someone like that main character can get anything wet. You are a good writer though. Good plot. But any guy letting women talk to them like that, doesn't deserve any respect from them.


Does it matter? Nine months since a dev update.


damn, you are everywhere in this comment section. You are or atleast were absolutely obsessed with this dev who isn't working hard enough for you. We get it. One look at the comments and we see you, it's alright to stop


Emily best girl.

what phone do y'all use??

Note 9

(1 edit) (-2)

this is "computer game", we use the right tool for the job - a computer. we certainly dont use a tool designed for calling yo momma on the weekends


Love this game n the storyline.  You get so attached to these characters.  Still waiting patiently for the next update.


So is this a harem avn,or Just choose 1 love interest type? If it is latter i m getting serious ntr vibes even dev confirms it,and since no harem means dev can put any girl having sex with any dude and will still say,it's not NTR since she isn't li anymore.

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

you dont get to choose anything, your love interest is the violent and abusive girl in pink, that is stated clearly in the description.
everything else is just casual (not that there is much of anything else)


WTF dude,most useless overhyped garbage shit i have ever seen then,what's even good to play it? It deserves to be thrown in trash can.




Stuck at Advisory Warning screen, I can't even get to the main menu screen. Any help?

(1 edit)

 have you solved that problem?


I love this game! However, episodes should come out way faster... Plus, I'd love to see Emily get looser and closer with us and maybe start getting into a relationship...? It's a bit slow paced for how long it takes for a new episode.

a chapter every 10 months, you go from bad to worse, be honest with yourself and leave the project, above all stop sucking money from your patreons for nothing.

Ícono de validado por la comunidad



(1 edit) (+12)(-6)

Wow, that's kinda really rude. 

I personally am enjoying the progression. Maybe it's not coming out fast enough for you, but I'm fairly certain that the people working on this project have lives and jobs besides this that they have to take care of. 

If you don't like it or you have constructive criticism to give, that's fine, but you don't have to be such an ass about it. Unless you're out there making your own game, giving people the option of naming their own price, and making sure it's a quality game while cranking out the chapters faster than the production of this one, maybe find something more constructive to say next time, yeah? Considering you can't do it yourself...

(2 edits) (+5)(-10)

I think he's being too nice actually, considering how lazy this dev is,and a constant lier on top of that too,and just milking his patreon for over more than two years without doing a damn work,it's very nicest way possible to say something like this.

He isn't saying anything wrong,and if dev think it's wrong thinking about him then ask him to come out and say what's he actually doing,i know he won't be  just busy counting his 'hard'(lying lazy and doing nothing) earned money and chilling,he would be hard working to realease next chapter with over 2000 render(that amount is average given time taken by him)

I feel sad for guys like you who not only support like these cheapskate and lazy ass Dev's but also defend them when they don't deserve their kindness at all.

(1 edit) (+2)(-2)

I agree.  The game is free.  Most of these games are done by people who work alone or in very small numbers.  This is not Blizzard, EA, or Ubisoft.  Some guys do this as a side/passion project and is not their main source of income.  You don't have to support if you want.  But calling someone a thief or lazy is a bit of a stretch.  He's not going down your wallet without permission or obligated to do shit for you.  I think this generation has created entitled little bitches.

Like the guy above said: You think you can do better?  Step up to the ring!


Don't listen to impatient hate. I love the story and characters. I would love to see more Ashley story and relationship. Perhaps a path to earn her respect and interest?

(1 edit)

It won't let me play it


looking forward to more episodes or a second season great game great story looking forward to more characters 


Thanks for your hardwork bro hope you can develope this game more, please add eps 10 ASAP and dont end the game bro you are the best, RESPECT


the ladies are hot af on god ngl
but the vn's quite the slow burn
and there're no animations just GIFs at 2 frames per second (lol)
6.75 blue balls / 10 bazongas no cap


Quite possibly the slowest AVN I've experienced. I guess that's neither bad or good, but just got through all 9 available chapters and I'm the opposite of satisfied. I guess I'll just forget about this for another year and see where it's at then.  It's no biggie, I've already waited 3 years to get this far.


Man that's some hardcore blue ball right there. Your sacrifice saved me time. Thank you comrade!


Oh yeah, they were sore after this one. lol. It's not a bad game though, the characters are endearing. Emily is cute as hell. It's just the nature of the beast with these games, that's why I try to wait for a few chapters to come out. Seems like they're building up to some good stuff soon though.


Well in the mean time...

And the daughter from Hillside might be your taste. Not a redhead but similar facial renders. Good luck!


I salute you, good sir.

He's the best

Still no update?


There's no sex in it, just a dude jacking his dick, pissing and talking to topless dudes, not for straight men or people who enjoy sex, it's for boys who eant to be teased but not actually touch the girls in any way shape or form, by chapter 3 you understand why everyone is leaving comments saying it's for cucks


just not your type of game, some people like games with slower progression with more story.


I consider myself those 'some people' and have been enjoying it, however, after 3 years of waiting it's really annoying


He's milking the shit out of this game.

No, looking at dicks and topless dudes is certainly not my type of game lol you're not wrong buddy


I mean, if you go down the Ashley path you get a good number of sex scenes, and they start in the early episodes. But Emily is so cute, so I understand people wanting to move faster with her. But the game is trying to tell a relatively grounded story, so I understand the developer not wanting to let the mc suddenly seduce her, given she has no experience.


So same typical story you either wait till end to marry a innocent one to have some sort of intimate moments with her,or rather fuck a slut,who is pretty much used and thrown toy,and then build a relationship with her hoping she will stop whoring around with every random guy?


You being really judgemental over a video game character, ngl though also it makes a lot of sense, this just kinda made me relive my youth this is exactly what down and out kids with emotional problems and shit act like,  other than the heiress shit but even then it's not that uncommon of a thing to see a rich girl fucking people to get back at her parents so it's just the much more extreme version of that whatever there are plenty of scenes you get to see and do stuff with the other characters, and I mean milking his patrons or not it is Patreon they could just stop paying I they wanted to.


were u born blind of became later on? Whatever your case it's extremely hopeless since i don't know why you commenting completely utter nonsense which doesn't even fit in here to context.

I simply put a question mark' if that's not enough to tell you that it was a question that it's that type of typical avn or not, how's that spreading hate,being judgemental or acting like kid?

Here only kid is you,who's not liking someone telling the thing u like isn't what you actually think it is,first grow up kiddo,then i will think about arguing with you,since you have brain of a child i will ignore your bullshit comment.


bruh again with the judgemental, listen calling you judgemental isn't an insult I am not sure why you took it that way, also never called you a child and a Question mark could mean a few more things than just a question, either way, I'm not gonna defend the guy who makes the games practices but it's a decent story and I was just saying it's not all that ridiculous to have to spend a while romancing a character or have a character that sleeps around be the one that hooks up with you first. 

I just say your being judgemental over the characters in the game and you start throwing a bunch of personal insults my way, you are also overstating my appraisal of the VA, it's a decent game not but I'm saying I love it. It isn't really productive to convince someone by throwing a bunch of insults at them. so chill just a bit man, I know this is an internet comment section but all that hostility over the slightest criticism, mind you of your own criticism.

 look man if you live in a glass house don't throw stones when you start criticizing things it opens your criticism up  to be criticized in tern.

(1 edit) (+3)

Hello, love the game! I'm still a student so a moral support is all I can give :3

Ps. Emily best girl!

Pps. I was wondering what's the name of the main song on the menu, I like it

Song is Marisa Law - Will You Wait :-)

Thanks! :3




Has the developer been online at all just wanna see if he's ok 


Surely this game isn't flagged NTR, I never experienced any NTR at all. Strong characters each with well thought out backgrounds. One of the best written stories. I really want to know if Samantha is an ex adult movie star???

Deleted 1 year ago

Tell you what Chad, I don't want to hear your BS comments and i'd mute you if it's possible because your nothing but a little twerp with anger issues and a serious negative attitude. What a doofus. This VN is one of the better VN's out there.

Deleted 1 year ago

I defer. Everything your saying is one teenage homone fueled spit of vileness towards this game and you have been doing so over the last 3 months as if your monitoring this page just to prevent readers from downloading this VN. Responses to your comments are majority negative and what you say has nothing to do with what I have downloaded and played here. This dev is no different than most other devs in using Patreon and has obviosly put a lot of time and work into this VN already and we are all privledged to be able to get free tasters. I even contributed to the devs financial pocket.  There is no  NTR (usually avoidable anyway) as of yet in the game and if there is later on then it will all fall into the story of the MC and his housemates. As im not of an inexperienced young teenage mind I look for good aspects in games on the creative writing side and this particular theme in this VN is one I haven't seen before and it is well written and the visuals are very good. As chad referenced cucks, I don't think he knows what one is because there aint none in this game! Anyway Chad, I blocked you now, you chat nonsense.

Deleted 1 year ago

I cant get it to skip, any ideas

lol you can only skip UNREAD dialogue bro. 

Deleted 1 year ago

lol definitely not you obviously havent played past the 1st ch.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

God i dont know if i should download this game

its either peoples who hated the game or loved it in the comments


just play it. most of these people are just being trolls

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
(2 edits)

Just in case you didn't realize that wasn't the dev that you replied to

Edit: realized I misread your comment, you were agreeing with the above comment and I'm an idiot.

Deleted 1 year ago

lol look above silly boy


no you were right he is an idiot


lol  learn to take a joke. ive played thru all 9 current chs, and there isnt a lick of NTR

Deleted 1 year ago

it obviously a joke

Hello and blessings….Will this play on iPhone and will it give me anything different other than normal pornographer material?. Hope to be able to look at artwork and control your characters with all manner of sexual activities Be well

When is the next update or chapter ?


So I really like this game but I am frustrated with failing a lot of checks with Emily. I restarted a few times trying to get it right but I was always too low on one stat or another for certain checks.

same here 


You either have to go love or corrupt route with her (not sure if it was called corrupt in the game but you get the point). You can't have both paths at the same time without mods.

Ah okay makes sense, thanks.

Check out the walkthrough or walkthrough mod



I love it. Waiting for 'the' moments. Is there an update coming? Do I need to pay again for the updates? Please add chapters. Really like it. 

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