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Your MC is dumb, and you have no much choices to do in story.


The mc is supposed to be dumb then he gets smart over time it was literally showing in the later chapters.

Deleted 1 year ago

lol actually they do. play more than the 1st few chs.


This was the first visual novel I ever played. Going in I didn't expect any adult VN to have a story of any substance, but the story here blew me away. It's many months later and now I've played at least 100 VNs, and this one is still among the best. 

I'm really excited for the release of episode 10!


You keep bringing out bonus editions. Surely this slows finishing the main game, so when is this game ever going to get finished?

(1 edit)

Kinda lame question, but is there a 32-bit exe for this game? I've played about 8 games from this and other sites using the Renpy engine (or whatever this is called), and each one had a 32-bit version of the exe that worked for my old computer (using it due to the little bit of lewd in this game). I would normally move on to another game if I ran into an issue like this, but...really interested in the context and how good I'm hearing the story is from the other comments. Just wanted to check the game's options before setting up another hardware option. Thanks!

I think renpy discontinued 32bit support in version 8 of their engine.


Hello to the creator of this game.

I have been an enthusiast for erotic games for quite some time now, and I was blessed to ever download this game. I want to tell how this game changed my standard of erotic visual novel, and visual novels themselves.

When I first downloaded the game, I expected less, to be honest. I expected that this game will just be a sexually dominant game, made for people who just thinks of beating their meat every minute of everyday. But you had proved me wrong.

I am quite impressed on how you manage to put vivid realism about the characters' perspectives, the story was well-narrated, the deliberation of plot twists were impactful for me, the most notable for me is the romance that goes on in the story, rather than the erotic.

Based on my perspective as a player, the erotic scenes justifies the "passion" element in romance. But the downside of the MC is just he think about his dick rather than to dive deep into the girls' lives, building strong bonds with them. I just think the downside of this is the MC is over-perverted.

Graphic-wise, it is superb and breathtaking. Makes me want to wish I was there, because of how clean and fresh it is inside the game's universe. The color grading is perfect. To my eyes, the game was aesthetically pleasing. It made me fell in love too with the character design, the details, the face, the body. It was not like a "copy-paste" mechanism, that's how you know you made this game with serious effort and passion.

I played this game back in April 15, 2022 and finished a week later.

This game and all of its elements has a special place in my heart.

This game for me belongs to the S tier, 9.9/10

Hey, I'm waiting for the 10th episode onwards. Please don't abandon this game, please? We'll all be waiting, no matter how long!

much love,



Das Spiel ist super, nur schade das es keine Update mehr gibt.

Sie haben eine super Arbeit geleistet.

Great game really love the characters, just curious when the next update will be


Seems he is more interested in bonus editions. He's just released the third one.

Yea it really does seem that way, thank you for replying though.

lol not even the 3rd has been out for months.


Yes, but it's still 3 bonus editions, taking up time when the next update could have been worked on!


hey dude great work i came here to download these kind of games to basicly masturbate but your game kinda was interesting enough that even though it had way less lewd scenes it made me to stick around and finish it until episode 9. hope you continue your amazing work and iam gonna ask why dont you put this game in steam? i wanted to support you but i kinda live in a country that dosent have international banking in it sistem.this game is good enough in my opinion that if you put it in steam  it will be very popular and it will save me from constently checking this page for updates on your game and gives me a way to suport you easier.


Yes basically here on the site so I can masturbate over something different. Please 🙏🏾 let me know if there is anything on the site. Hope to hear from you soon 👌 I’m so getting hard but I don’t no anything

Play the assistent, grandmas house , sisterly lust ,dreams of desire, being a dik,  fetish locator. some of these u might need to look els where to find but these are all great fap material.some of them have good storys too



I get an error when I try opening the ep1-9 version on Mac. Just goes to a window that looks like this. 

(27 edits) (+1)(-11)

2 Questions and my opinion. (hope you respect the feedback as it comes from a hardcore gamer, that enjoys games and a more of a sandbox game style)

I do have a legit question, why is the male protag. such a dumb a$, whimp, sc*mbbag? who can't keep a damn word he promises,  this sort of portrait of the male char, is why women thing men think about nothing but tits, ass and sex.

I mean really,  the male protag is too stupid to make his own breakfirst with 1 hand?? or a drink? or take the plates out, or help hang the washing up?  he is too stupid to do anything but beat off.
and what sort of perv. copy's pictures from another person's computer. that's just sick

(before you say it was for the P.O.  then why did he look through ALL of the pictures and focus on the more.. inappropriate ones more, then the lost friend of emily, and how would he know that its the lost friend?)

I broke my arm in 4 places. and I still did all that and MORE, this male protag is horse manure.

and i am being polite here.

there are only 2 saving graces in the games.
the teasing jokes and the HALF decent graphics.
(i won't ask why the male protag keeps changing colours more then a clown has on his outfit,  like the dude changes  from white to almost very shade in between to black, and then the spelling, I'm dyslexic and I caught over 50 spelling mistakes, and I will not even ask what is up with the floating objects in the game... I do want to know where they bought there plates, furniture and such thoe..  i mean that crap floats from scene to scene almost as much as the male protag changing colours)

from episode? 3.  and i have to be honest the male protag piss'd me off so much.. i did nothing but deny everything from point onwards.

I mean the male protag is a total moron, IF.. and I mean IF.. a woman confides in you on the terms that you say nothing, and give no advice or anything, that means she doesn't want any,  Soo then why the F. is the male protag giving it.?

he wanted to steal a glance..  and i was like "hell no, dude, you need to go and die in a hole somewhere"

and why does the player not get options to break other promises?
I mean he watched pr0n on emilys laptop? so why can't the player be all like "f*k u ashley. i wanna f*k lisbeth, while u sort your crap out" ?

I mean seriously. give some choices, if the male protag. is a lying cheating, promise breaking sc*mbag. why are you FORCING me down the story and go with ashley, if your making these choices. give me all the choices atleast and tell ashley ur gonna stay behind and do lisbeth!

I mean. if it's the male protag's goal to get his d! licked, he would never pass up lisbeth. it's a cuter ashley version.

and yes. i would have prefered to stay in the car with Flynn, then go in that.. shop and get that ear r@p3 frn ashlyn

so back to my original question "why is the male protag. such a dumb a$, whimp & sc*mbag?

edit : a 2nd question. what's the point of the corruption system??
if your locking us in this BS,  the points keep going up regardless of the choices. and i can't opt out of anything!!!  (and yes i mean anything!!!!!!!!) 

if u don't like MILF stuff, ur screwed.
if u don't like ashley / her char / tatt'd body / personality, ur screwed.
if you don't emily and want to avoid getting the feeling that ur m*lesting a kid ur screwed.

this game would be 100% more enjoyable if it was just a side scroller of pictures and nothing else, none of the options matter, you have no significant options to change anything, and your locking us in to this trainwreck.

I can HAPPILY say.. at the end of EP.8

i had only 19 affection and 9 corruption with emily.

10 with samantha.

15 some how with ashley.

and 7 with luis.

was the purpose of the game for me to hate it? if it was. you did it very very very very very well.

the male protag personality is more sketchy then my damn etchasketch

if it wasn't then.. sorry. I hated it.

on a more personality note. Emily, is a brown nosing b*tch, who I would have personally cut contact with or ignored, block on the phone, etc. she is what you call.. a "shit stirrer"

and giving a woman your phone??? really? i mean REALLY! you must be living in a fantasy world. no man, who knows what's good for him, would let a woman ever use / access his phone, hell.. even my sister doesn't let her husband access her phone, and she's married to him!

and not telling "yo main man luis" that emily is hiding behind that metal beam?  and that she demands to go with you when ur going to go out .. jesus..
and yet again.. the male protag. is stuck with the child. during his night out with his main man.

and Luis's line "it's creepy" is beyond then 100% accurate. maybe like 10,000% creepy.

i hope for EP10. your going to add-in some REAL choices.. like ditching emily. and going with the chance with the too ladies and loosing points with emily, and hell... maybe even give us the ability to pick 1 person ONLY to focus on. and work on them, and ignore everyone else, and screw that relationship up. make a GAME. not some.. railed story line, where u just sit back and watch and cringe the entire time.

the ONLY semi-decent character in the ENTIRE game is "ELI" yes. that's right ELI (the 70+ yr old mechanic , that has no real interest in anything but his cars and an attraction to samantha)

:note: i do love these kind of games though, i have like 60 - 70, and i can get behind 95% of all stories and protags, but yours so far is the only 1 I regret owning

so in the end..
Give us OPTIONS to shut things down!!!

like warning ur main man, that emily is hiding behind the metal beam,  to shut emily down, and force her to go home
telling ashley that ur going to stay at the tattoo parlour and ur going to get ur d! licked / sucked / watever,  from lizthbeth  then going with her. instead of deal with her family stuff.
when your in the security room with ashlyn., give us the option to make a deal right then and there. and do her / touch her / what ever. and screw ashley over..
when you take the food up to ashley and emily, why am i locked in to kissing samatha? what if i don't want her. give us options to just walk off with the food, with out the kiss.

and make those actions cost us points... that's all i want. if your going to make us choose, give us options to stop the progression of the others.



You sure have a lot of anger penned up.  It is a game.  It was probably free.  Move on.  Make your own game if you don't like this one, if you think it is that easy.  I disagree with nearly all your wall of anger/hate.


Man you need to chiiiiiiill out! Making such a novel about a free game you didn't like? I mean it is ok to give your feedback, you're probably not the only one thinking this, but there are only a few constructive criticisms (not enough choices, graphics that could be missed sometimes, not enough realistic situations (and I don't agree with that at all but it is your feeling)) in the middle of a torrent of "I hate this game, I hate the MC".

And you must have a little sadomasochistic side because you continue to play, you make the effort to write a comment surely as long as the script of the game and above all you are still waiting for episode 10 to change the situation?

When you don't like a game, move on! It's not as if there weren't others (you told us that you have 70 of those) or if your future depended on this one. As we say in my country "if you don't like it, don't disgust others". With that, I wish you good life and good luck for the rest of the game!

Deleted 1 year ago

For people quickly reading posts. I.E. I WANT THE CHARACTER TO BE LIKE ME AND ONLY ME.


I 100% agree... although I was shit on beause i criticised the game as well... if only the MC had that much balls.  It must be a cultural thing because some of the choices were totally bizarre.  


lol if you dont like it then dont play it and fuck off

(2 edits) (+7)(-16)

Before it was a chapter every 3 months, then a chapter every 5, then one every 9 months, now what, an annual chapter?

What a coincidence, the moment you started earning money, that's when you become more lazy.


if you dont have anything nice to say. Don't post it. no one likes your negativity.


ok pal

(1 edit) (+5)(-8)

If we have right to speech we will,he is speaking his mind,are you dev? OR someone to compensate his problems? No ,right ,then stop wasting his and others time,write your own goddamn review good or bad and let even others.


id have less of a problem with your opinon if you didnt spread straight up lies in the comment section as it relates to games content. their is NO NTR in any of the 9 chapeters i have played. even if such a thing was planned by the dev you have no knowledege of this stop bsing people.

Deleted 1 year ago

exactly if its not something you want dont support the dev or play their game no one is forcing you to do anything,


It's not a lie if it's hinted at in the description. Read Luis' character profile.

And if there is no planned NTR, why is this author the only one who outright refuses to make a clear statement that there will be none in the future? Being upfront is a major advertising point that will immediately increase your userbase, and they still insist on leaving the possibility hanging there to ward off potential customers? For no reason at all? Get real. You will get NTR'd, and everyone will say "Told you so".


im sure if it is inculded it will be optional as is the case with most games in the genre if not then i have egg on my face regardless stop being a rude prick.

Deleted 1 year ago

I am fine and agree with critizism on a game but on its release schedule? bro get your ungrateful posterior out of here. People have lives and its not your right to know what is going on with others. Who raised you? Wait patiently or just don't wait.

Deleted 1 year ago

Well said!

Deleted 1 year ago

Dev, do you plan to publish your game on steam?


very nice story, looks like you are working on updating more again which is great, hope there will be more content of them actually being intimate with each other and in relationships soon.  


im looking to come back to this game because i never finished playing it but i got bored when i got no sex scenes so is it worth coming back for?

You went for Emily, didn't you? I did too, and all I got was to see her boobs during the whole game! Because the dev has decided she is your "love interest", so obviously outside of a relationship have sex, inside a relationship, no sex. Thank god my relationships weren't like that!

(2 edits) (-1)

I wish there was options to choose to shut up & not check out other girls when with ashley or emily.  MC talks too much. Has to learn to shut up. Has dirty thoughts but stays quiet when someone tries to get in his pants. He's all talk. And always lost in thought at the wrong moments.

(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

Lewd Content ? Well 2-3 scenes in 9 episodes haha so dont expect this to be Dreams of Desire

Anyway, the game is amazing !! Story Rich Visual Novel with a strong well build characters.

It has a quite unique story with a strong plot, good character build-up. Female friends protagonist cover all the range of possible mates your imagination would want, from MILF to Domina to Wifey to GirlyGirlfriend. Good Sexual Arousal and Tension between the Characters.

MC is well placed in the story , its a fun guy that has a special way with the ladies.

So far the game is strong, its a great visual novel with a highly catching story and a very few lewd scenes.


NTR? please no


lol there is none that was a joke

Can anyone tell me how to install the update to the existing file


Just finished 2nd playthrough. Haven't been able to find a definitive answer. Have unlocked all scenes except for Ep. 8 Emily First Touch. Have done full love and full corrupt play and cannot figure it out. 

One guide I found states that she cannot make her promise, which I believe is corrupt playthrough. Any help would be appreciated.  Sorry, my completions habits are bugging me with this.

I have that one. I could get piper intro.

For the one you need, go full corruption path with Emily but choose each Ashley cutscenes. I.e. don't hide lewd; lean left. The boob flash scene in Emily's bedroom changes script to this version.

heyyy dev, any update for new patch? i cant wait for Piper's scene

 I need a help

 Can u tell me how to install a new update to the existing file


Will harem be allowed in the game, or do you have to choose a final girl? And also, are there any plans in the future to make Shiho, Nadia, Liz, Piper etc to be romaneable?

I think those are great questions, and ones I am sure many others have had. I'd also like to add the nutjob of the trio, Liz onto the list, as well as Ashlyn. Personal preference of course, just like I'd remove Piper, and I'd be fine either way with Nadia being kept or removed from said list. lol. At first I didn't really care for Liz much, but for some stupid reason she's slowly grown on me.


new patch when?


*stolen from Killer7's discord*

Well, looking back on your Dev Log, it looked like you were putting out an update about every 3 to 4 months. Just curious when the next update will be released. Any thoughts? Thanks.

Typically the new updates release every 4-6 months as of the last couple, and each successive update makes another 1-3 months extension to that timeline, so I'm guessing the next chapter will be out in September or October. Though I think I vaguely recall him mentioning this next chapter to be the longest and most in depth, so if I recall that right, then it is more likely November/December.


can you update new version please?

Hi, anyone can play the Android version? It isnt working :( i have been trying and trying and nothing happes it freezes on the Advisory Warning

It's been awhile since I played this, is it still impossible to pick Ash over Emily?

Yes. I've done multiple playthroughs, I think four? And on the Ash focused one, it's still wholly maintainable.

Please choose wisely before creating the game on there main character...most of a players of 90% usually  cant be interest on the game because of ugly character like me... There should be a magnet from main character to players if the game will gonna be hit...

Anal sex?



Just finished 9.  good game.  love to see MC fuck sam and emily.  and can you make the MC start to mature sooner.  he's annoyingly infantile.  and I hope you'll give MC a choice about going upstairs at the club.  He should take enily home. 

When's the next update?  thanks


I've seen a stark increase in complaints about the demeanor and attitude of MC, but I really believe it makes sense that he is the way he is, and that it also feeds the unique personality dynamics of each character as well. And then given MC's and the rest of the HH's residents backgrounds, I can bet you that's the aim of Az.

 more Samantha scene, please :(


Officer Monroe gonna steal yo girls

Actually finished for now the first run all on samantha, quite nice but actually nothing too lewd for now, probably the only one that will need next chapters for more.
Just started the second round focusing on Ash and seems a lot more lewd...

Just one thing: the complete lack of interaction, except some rare choices, (and main selections) make the game quite annoying fast in a lot of scenes where you just have to click (or press space) for literally hours to let the dialogue go on and nothing actually happens


Frick this game is annoying.  Unless you are a young boy  or like being called a pervert, I doubt you will get anything from this VN. 
quick rundown...
You will never have made the right choice to unlock even a single decent lewd scene, be prepared to feel worse about yourself because you have to make intentionally weak moves.
Dont even bother with emily... tell her to fuck off right away, cutest character, but written so terribly you end up hating her because of it.

(1 edit) (-1)

If you came for the lewdness, then you my friend just called yourself out. Emily isn't even that bad of a character and isn't poorly written. Probably jealous that a woman can beat you up lol

shut up pervert... you're so gross. Just to make you feel at home  like the little cuck you are.  or maybe you're a man-boy and have never actually talked to another human being.  The characters aren't written well, because the game isn't labeled as a femdom, and they are for sure on the far end of the spectrum when it comes to that behavior.  and neither is the MC! he has deep feelings for the girls, and just says the most cringe-worthy and childish things i have heard in a game. As a proper dude, this game is not made for me and should be labelled properly.  And yes every girl can beat me up because i would never hit a woman... wtf is wrong with you


Nigga really said "as a proper dude" when he's playing an adult plus even ranted as if it was the ultimate game.


this is one of the best games I have played. hope it will continued

(1 edit) (+3)

anyone got all the scenes, im missing alot of the scenes farther down the story and i needa see all the scenes to see if its worth playing through again


Ill save you hours of trying to find the right path.  you will be very much let down.  


So I played episodes 1-9 and loved it.  When the next episode comes out do I have to delete the game and install it again on Android?  What happened to the progress I made in the first 9 episodes?


Better not put a price ever on this. Anything that mentions the big N in gaming systems, they will demand money or sue. Even youtubers who even mention a game thats branded by them. Unless of course you change the system to not look like it and more like the vee instead of the.. you know.


The game is obviously not for me at all since I'm not attracted to women but scrolling the page couldn't help but stop at the beefy Luis..  He gives off "bad boy" vibes & is kinda hot/cute lol.

Deleted 1 year ago

Its too bad.. I would play this game just for him(Luis) but I don't think I'll like it since it's locked as male protagonist with Luis as just a friend and is mainly focused on only female love interests. But the characters do sound great from what you said.

Deleted 1 year ago

Yea the writers almost always write what they can relate to which is easier so it's fine. 

Yeah I haven't either that much heh but no worries :3 I found some and maybe I'll come upon others I'll like while searching. 

Thanks, take care.

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