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(2 edits)

How do I add the bonus EP to the halfway house game? or is the bonus EP a separate game separate from the main game? 

please help me

It's separate from the main game

Thank you very much for the information, it was very helpful

Love the game.  The scenes with Ashley are the best I’ve encountered in all the games I’ve played from this site.  Keep up the good work.


Damn this game is so good rly love the story and the characters, gotta love Ashley she's my fav this new episode rly made me care for her and her story, rly want the mc to stay with her now hope it happens, awesome game as I said great work and keep them updates coming XD

Does anyone know how to get Emily's first touch at the end of episode 8 cause all I can get is the kiss

Could someone let me know how to get the "Emily Feed It To Me" scene in EP3? It says I'm failing a point check.

You need to be really nice to her all the way through and not tell her about Ashley in the shower (need max affection) I think 

Deleted post

I'll add to the google drive complaints. I couldn't download the previous version due to the download limit (both pc and android), and this new version is exact the same. Doesn't matter how many times, hours, days or weeks I wait, it's always the same message: too many downloads, please wait. I love the game, but this is insane. Mega is not great, but at least it works. Another great game I'll have to drop, unless this gets resolved.

I am in love with this game dude, just fucking awesome

Please upload to mega as Google have a limit to number of daily download

Google drive doesn't work for me. Would it be possible to do a mega link or something of the sort? Doesn't mater when or how many times i check i always get the same error message from google saying "too many people are visiting the download ".

What is the bonus? How can be installed on android? 

It worked this morning, thank you

unable to download update   Google says too many have downloaded and can't download.   this is the only game that this seems to happen with....

(1 edit)

Yep, but only the MS-Win / Unix Version has trouble !
UPDATE 2021-03-31 19:50  Download Works

Amazing story, characters and scenes.  I don't want to play until the end of the episode. I want to drag it out as long as I can. That's how good it is!

when i try downloading it i get the forbiden error on chrome


Trying to download but google is saying too many people downloaded it, can we get a mirror upload

Awesome! I was just wondering when the next episode would be released.

When are we going to get episode 8

Are we ever going to get episode 8 on here


Thank you, game creator, for bringing Ashley to life. She's everything I could have wished for. Almost made me tattoo her name on my chest too.

(1 edit)

Errr... do you like to get insulted and bullied so much ? I wish the writers would tone her down one notch (or two), I agree she can be really good at times (like most of the scenes in the mansion),  but often it's just TOO much, especially since the MC is such a WEAK, PASSIV guy. There are scenes where she is downright manipulative and evil, and there is NO ONE to put her in her place.  Such bratty character should encounter some opposition, otherwise they become insufferable REAL quick.

Deleted 3 years ago

Well, i wonder how much of that anger that she shows is just a facade? I mean sure, she will likely be purely a domination fantasy type of option, which is not my thing, but sometimes, it can surprise you, unless the Developer says otherwise, Ashley could be a 'diamond in the rough' type of girl. But overall, until that is proven correct or incorrect, i will stick with Emily, she is cute, loyal and bad ass.

Ashley is not really a romantic option anyway. The "relationship" meter is still baffling me, I was pretty high before the last update with Emily, and at the end, even though I had barely any interaction with her during that whole "rich mansion episode" (obviously 'cause she's not really in it), my meter appeared to have taken a huge dive. and I failed the last check. Weird


It is likely a scripted RP loss, since she likely is upset that Ashley brought the MC and not her and resents the MC as a result.

I wouldn't know about failing checks, i tend to edit the save file and max out the RP stat and just play normally, i am not much of hoping its the right choice, i would rather pick what makes sense to me for my character in an RP sense, i mean when i played a complete horn-dog route before episode 8 came out and it sounded like the MC is so clueless and dumb and when i was his age and lacked experience with women, i never acted like he is....its rather dumb. But when i focused on say Emily, the MC's personality seems more balanced, but ultimately still a whiney child.

(2 edits)

Seems to be influenced by your decision to lean on Em or Ash while waiting for the train. I tried both with max Em Affection Points, after having fun with Ash in the train it resulted in a 6 Affection Point loss after Ep.8. Maybe because there was no promise from Em after leaning on Ash.

"i tend to edit the save file" care to explain how to do that ? ;)

I laughed alot when I found out the other guys name because my names also luis 😂


CH 8 is on

Theirs a song in this game thats amazing whats the name of the song


If it is the song from the main menue, it's "Will you wait" from Marisa Law,

Dude needs to put and sell ep. 8 on here for 5$ or 10$, not everybody wants to make a patreon.

I have personally tried and it automatically considered my activity i didn't bother even trying.

I never, EVER pay for unfinished products, so i am waiting.


Really? I do not always, but some of the time I do. But I play it first. I beleive the developers deserve something for their hard work and dedication.


I agree, it is just Patreon just told me my account was being fraudulent after trying to use it once and so i thought....screw it and let the account get deleted.

The last dev log was from October.  Does the dev post any where else about the game, or is it reasonable to suspect that this game is abandoned?


On his patreon he posted that chapter 8 is 95% done. On a post from last Sunday


The game is really good! I love the way charactes have they own personalitty, just one thing that makes me nervous sometimes: the MC can't just shut the fuck up, i understand that this make his personalitty but it should've more choices on what he says.


Yeah, he's a winy, bitchy, crybaby. There are times I have to quit because he's just such a unaware douche. it's really cringy at times.

Any idea how to skip dialogue? There is options for it in the settings but I dont see anything, great game btw!

All I know is that you can skip conversations you've already been through by pressing the tab or ctrl keys.

Deleted post

the story in this one is amazing, well written and entertaining looking forward on you with a emily walkthrough half way done

can i not be reuploaded to *  MEGA * synk instead please so i can read it

i stil cant download EP7 it keeps going to gogle drive and giving the same error since the day it was uploaded !!!

Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time.

Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can't access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator.


Does anyone know what the title of the song is? For each episode that passes, I first listen to the song about 5 times I can't help but to listen to this song :))



And her homepage:


This game is so fucking good keep up the good work man can't wait for the next episode, any idea when will it be released?

emily is just too damn cute when she gets angry at mc hahaha 

Yeah she is, while Ashley is hot and all, she has that punk rock chick look going for her, but Emily is just far more cuter than her.


any news on episode 8? 


Yeah, i would like to know that as well, i mean, i have a save for Emily playthrough and a save with this is gonna be awesome.

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