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Hey, does anybody know why I can't install the game? I try to install it and choose one of the options it gives me but nothing happens and it just asks me to install the game again. Does anyone know the fix for this it happens with other visual novels too and I'm not really sure why. It would be great if someone were to help me. I'm on Windows if that helps.

Dont install new episodes over old ones. Treat each new release like a fresh game. Delete the old install and extract the new one to it's own folder.  Before extraction do a test of the zip to make sure your download isn't borked.

No, I mean I can't download any of the versions and I haven't downloaded any of the previous versions either. I want to install the game however, when I try to it tries to instal but then immediately cancels it. Could you tell me how to install the game into my own folder instead of installing it through I'll see whether that works.

but won't that mean we'd have to play it all over again from the beginning  ?

just to clarify not planned also means off limits, like never going to happen like gore or other extreme examples?

No extreme stuff. Ever.


Well, what can I say. This is so much more than what one might expect.
Came in expecting to see the usual terrible writing with flat, stereotypical characters and just skim through it for a couple of pics then close it and forget it.
But with every episode I got more and more captivated, stopped caring about the "adult" side pretty much entirely, and I'm now done with EP6 and I got all emotional T^T
Please keep it up. Please keep the quality of the writing and the depth of the characters and relationships. I'd be happy if it lasted forever. Once I stop being broke I'll support on Patreon (yay covid times >.>).
Also if you could create an Emily IRL for me I wouldn't complain... T_T
Great work Az, can't wait for more episodes. Thank you!

Nice summarisation. 👌

This game is awesome, keep up the good work!

Great game, love the ending of Chapter Six, since out of the whole game, that's the most wholesome part since neither characters seem to mind. 


when is Ep7 Ep8 & Ep9 being released


And are you going to add a relationship option for Ash?

There is. You experience it through the story if you pursue it. Will she end up being your girlfriend or wife? No, sorry.

Any clue when the next update will be? Got to the part where I could fall asleep on someone and it ended.


Dude awesome fucking job on this game it (kinda hits me hard too )idk my life is pathetic


whens its next update?

Episode 7 is out. For now it is only available to those who pay on their Patreon. 

Awesome work

Deleted 1 year ago

it includes all the capters


any idea when ep7 will be out?

Deleted 2 years ago

Dude. I just finished EP6 and I fucking love this. Can't wait!


Does anyone know where you can download the bonus episodes aside from the first one ??


Just started to play the game, really like the intro song. What is it called dude?


also the background music is catchy so where can i find them if i wanna listen to it more


Deleted 72 days ago

As of now, not much.

Deleted 3 years ago

THE best game I have played bro.Kunieda is epic.


I'll just reiterate what I've said a few months ago here - Don't rush it, or allow all the impatient people to pressure you into rushing/pumping out updates to the game faster than your desires are for your game. You're doing fucking phenomenal, and I'd hate to see you allow yourself to start falling to that rushing & pressure.

I completely understand both the lack of patience for such a kickass game/novel, but I also completely understand what it's like on the dev side of the fence, getting so much pushing to "hurry up" from people who refuse to use patience.

So again, please don't rush anything, or feel any pressure. Take your time, and make it just how you envision it. You'll thank yourself in the long run for sure doing this, and let's face it, the whining & impatience only happens between the updates since the game's that freaking great. Then everyone shuts up, until they've completed that update and we restart the same cycle all over again haha. Rushing/trying to speed up the creative process is the enemy of happiness and true creative flow. Take your time, make it as you envision it, and enjoy the fact that this leads to a even better, higher quality and more polished game in the end.

Keep up the kickass work my guy!


Thank you very much.


my favorite visual novel I really wait for ep7 to come


When Is Eapisode 7 Available For Public 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


when is the next update coming


 kinda glad ntr isnt planed but so far loving this game keep it up


Will someone mind to chat with me or help me how to make it perfect with emily? She soo cute but i cant quiet get her.... Do i will be happy with someone telling meall the choices for her and other choices to make her,,mine".  I dont care about other women. Thank you ❤️


Just be good to her. Not a asshole either too perv, I think I have perfect score. Max love but lacking most corruption points, I don´t know if that is exactly what are you loking for though


Gonna be absolutely devastated if we can't hook our boy Officer Monroe up.

Then again, he is a married man. I shouldn't entice the man with such a sinful thot.


Love the story Az...Hope you'll make a subscriber star page..would love to support but not a fan of patreon...If not maybee try Steam!!

SS page is up now. Check my webpage ( As for steam, prolly not until the game is complete. Don't even know if they'll tolerate my flagrant disregard for trademark laws.


whats the song in the loading screen?


Will you Wait - Marissa Law


Wait are there only 6 episodes?


Just wanted to share that ShayneSweet is doing a lewd game stream of Halfway House rn, enjoy! Peace all, -Ms G.


When is Episode 7, Episode 8, Episode 9 available 




does Ep6 mean I only get that all do I get Ep1-Ep6?


(2 edits) (-1)

Just finished the game. Great story... but question. Are there no sex scenes? Is it cause i downloaded the free version that i didnt get to unlock any? I only got the one sex scene with one of the ladies where i could only touch her with "something not attached to my body" 


It depends on the choices that you make, but I have not yet seen a full sex scene. There are a couple of blowjob scenes that you can get, as well as a butt job scene though.


you actually get ridden by Ashley when she comes into your room. You may want to go back and replay with different choices...


been a while since I played it but it's based on your conversation choices 

Man AZ youve created an amazing game... Rich characters and flowing dialogue and great story to boot... Well done MrK

Who's MrK?

Sorry yah that sentence needed a fullstop after Well done. Mrk... I was trying to signature my compliment to you, i know pretty stupid of me. MrK aka Misterknobb.

(1 edit)

Just curious if their will be a more open pathway in the next update played through episode 6 and while I like the story development and the overall plot, I feel like there is no harem route just some fwb. I also feel like MC is forced into a relationship with Emily (totally not my type) and there is not going to be a different ending. Maybe I am jumping to conclusions but we are 6 chapters in and the only person MC has actually had intercourse with is Ashley who at this stage I am not a fan of. A prostitute and Dominatrix at the same time? No rubber? God I hope I don't get hep c or HIV... Then Samantha she is absolutely my type but the vibe I am getting is that there will only possibly be an fwb scenario with her which I would prefer the possibility to actually pursue her. Also what about the fact that she wants MC to talk to mommy even though MC has clearly stated he has no interest in it? Even parolees have rights... unless this takes place in some country where freedom is forbidden. I just feel like MC as we are going through story in that role isn't getting enough decision making power over who he wants to pursue long term maybe more open ended choices and less author steering would be preferable even if the route leads to failure or something at least make choosing an option. I love the artwork it is impeccable and I do like the way you have an actual story instead of just insta sex like so many others so please take my points as constructive criticism.  Thanks and best of luck on the next release. 

Is a lineal history, at the beginning of the game you have the illusion that you will have at least a couple of options, in the course of the game, but when you get to chapter 5, you already realize that he is only one path, it's he first game, must be feel very intimidated by the Python software, maybe.

Disappointing... but understandable. I can't do this, don't have the know how so I guess I have to accept the work of others. I would like to do some script writing though, I like the idea of creating a story board. 


I really hope the doctor has her own route, she's one of my favorite characters so far

Really a fantastic game! I'm waiting for new episodes.

What happened to the skip button as of the Chapter 6 release? It was a great feature for replaying and making different choices.

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